Sustainable Garden Project in Esterillos Oeste, Costa Rica. 2014-2016


The following clip was filmed during one of our planting days. This garden no longer exist. We are currently in the process of reestablishing a new garden in just a couple of kilometers over from the old site.

Harvest of the day


Food for me?!

One of our main goals while in Esterillos Oeste, Costa Rica was to give the food we grew in the garden to the locals in the community.  It was a challenge to keep producing delicious veggies and fruits but the rewards were amazing. Love conquers all.



During our time in Esterillos we had the opportunity to build a simple but effective vegetable garden in the local pre-school.(pic above)  We utilized food grade blue barrels as planters since it was safer for the plants; insects can really do a number on them leaving them stripped from flowers and leaves.  Jairo (pic to the right) was our apprentice (now our partner) and as you can see he had plenty in the basket to give to the pre-school's kitchen.  The pre-school has a cook that prepares daily meals for all the kids. 

Veggie for the Esterillos Pre-School

Veggie for the Esterillos Pre-School


It is amazing to share Veggies and be part of a positive effect in the community.  The vegetables we grow ourselves are an amazing vehicle to get to now our neighbors as well.