Donate Today

to our USA based nonprofit Vida Raiz Farm Works

through DonorBox


Growing food, Growing lives


Donate via Mail:

Write and Send a check to:

Vida Raiz Farm Works

27 W. Anapamu st. #466

Santa Barbara, CA 93101


Donate directly: 100% of your contribution is used to improving the lives of impoverished families in the community of Esterillos and Agriculture Education provided to at-risk young men and women and their families.

*We are currently seeking funding through individuals and grants. All levels of gifts are welcome as well. Thank you!

Hello, World!


*We have chosen Donorbox, Stripe and PayPal which are the most trusted,

secure credit card transaction platforms out there.

We will make sure you have a pleasant, secure experience during your donation process. -Marco & Talitha Ulloa


VidaRaiz FarmWorks 501c3 nonprofit organization EIN: 82-5499177. U.S. based.

100% of your tax-exempt donation today goes towards the work with at-risk young men and women in Costa Rica.